YouTube channels to follow for changing your perspective

Saundarya Tyagi
4 min readJun 6, 2021
Photo by Alexander Shatov on Unsplash

YouTube need not be this wormhole through which you pass and suddenly you have no idea where the time went and which year are you in.
It can be a wonderful tool to help you look at life differently, this post will be just a walk-through to all the YouTube channels which I consider are life-changing and might help some of you to gain a new perspective of the world.

Fit Tuber

Photo by Sarah Pflug from Burst

We are all governed by choices, they make us who we are and how we live our lives. I used to be a pawn of the capitalist media, so the choice was already made by them, showcasing me the countless advertisements from big brands having loads of cash tricking my brain to do the obvious i.e. associating a certain product with a brand.

This is where FitTuber’s videos come into the picture to guide you, the consumer, to make the best choices possible for yourself and your family. If you have ever found yourself turning the back of your packaged lifestyle you will see so many ingredients that you can’t even spell properly, they are chemicals, preservatives, food coloring, parabens, sulfates, fragrance, and whatnot. These compounds are being applied by us daily in the form of soap, shampoo, conditioner, face wash, etc.

Find some time and go through his channel once, it will be an eye-opening journey into the world of living natural and chemical-free. You will be tempted to throw out most of the stuff that you have been using and replace them with a safer option.

Soch & Vox

Photo by Sarah Pflug from Burst

If you are like me who doesn’t keep on following the news all the time then these channels are the perfect way to get to the bottom of a news story without worrying about the legitimacy of the sources.

What makes them unique from your traditional news outlet is that they aren’t feeding you with anxiety-laden headlines that will make you wonder adopting nihilism but a narrative that is tied to stories and events that happened in the past and are still relevant.

Topics like Why are young people following astrology or The reason why PM Modi’s popularity doesn’t change (his Teflon image) or The real reason Boeing’s new plane crashed twice(despite it being a major company), these are some of the many videos which will inspire you to think unconventionally about the world around you . Providing you with a gist of the story or a kindle, in case you want to dig deeper.


I was scrolling through YouTube and then this title got my attention “Ultimate guide to start investing in their 20’s”, I instantly wanted to click on the video and so I did and I can say with absolute certainty that those 20 mins were worth it.

The inspiration was huge, it made me question my spending. I got down to making a budget, researching stocks, mutual funds, and of course cryptocurrency, making myself as financially independent as possible.

Investment is just one of the many worlds he covers, his videos might make you an avid reader, freelancer, entrepreneur, or just a more disciplined person.

Ali Abdaal

Photo by Matthew Henry from Burst

Ali Abdaal and his videos are simple yet powerful, forcing you to get out of your old habits and start building new ones that can help you in career building or daily life.

He promotes this ideology that you have to learn to enjoy the journey and need not focus on productivity, cause productivity will be an implicit by-product. This made me realize that hustle and hard work need not be painful. You can ease out the process by thinking out loud about your problems and then changing your mindset accordingly.

I hope this list inspires you as much as it inspired me.

